CLI for Namada

Wallet Operations

Create a new key:

KEY_ALIAS="your_wallet"; namada wallet key gen --alias $KEY_ALIAS

Restore executed key:

namada wallet key restore --alias $KEY_ALIAS --hd-path default

Check your address wallet:

namada wallet address find --alias $KEY_ALIAS

Fund your wallet Faucet available on website

Check Wallet Balances:

namada client balance --owner $KEY_ALIAS

Check All Wallet Address:

namada wallet key list

Send a Transactions:

namada client transfer --source <SENDER_ADDRESS> --target <RECEIVER_ADDRESS> --token NAM --amount 10 --signing-keys $KEY_ALIAS

Validator Operations

check sync status and node info:

curl | jq

check balance:

namada client balance --owner $ALIAS

check keys:

namada wallet key list

stake funds:

namadac bond --source $ALIAS --validator $ALIAS --amount 100

check your validator bond status:

namada client bonds --owner $ALIAS

check all bonded nodes:

namada client bonded-stake

find all the slashes:

namada client slashes

non-self unbonding:

namada client unbond --source aliace --validator $ALIAS --amount 1.2


namada client unbond --validator $ALIAS --amount 0.3

withdrawing unbonded tokens:

namada client withdraw --source aliace --validator $ALIAS

Find Your Validator:

namadac find-validator --tm-address=$(curl -s localhost:26657/status | jq -r .result.validator_info.address) --node localhost:26657

Check epoch:

namada client epoch

Sync and Consensus

check logs:

sudo journalctl -u namadad -f

check sync status and node info:

curl | jq

check consensus state:

curl -s localhost:26657/consensus_state | jq .result.round_state.height_vote_set[0].prevotes_bit_array

full consensus state:

curl -s localhost:12657/dump_consensus_state

your validator votes (prevote):

curl -s http://localhost:26657/dump_consensus_state | jq '.result.round_state.votes[0].prevotes' | grep $(curl -s http://localhost:26657/status | jq -r '.result.validator_info.address[:12]')

Last updated