
Guidence for create validator

Create wallet

To create new wallet you can use command below. Don’t forget to save the mnemonic

timpid keys add $WALLET

To recover your wallet using seed phrase

timpid keys add $WALLET --recover

Show your wallet list

timpid keys list

Save wallet info

Add wallet and validator address into variables

TIMPI_WALLET_ADDRESS=$(timpid keys show $WALLET -a)
TIMPI_VALOPER_ADDRESS=$(timpid keys show $WALLET --bech val -a)
echo 'export TIMPI_WALLET_ADDRESS='${TIMPI_WALLET_ADDRESS} >> $HOME/.bash_profile
source $HOME/.bash_profile

Fund your wallet

In order to create validator first you need to fund your wallet with discord faucet.

Go to
and replace with YOURWALLET

Create validator

check your wallet balance:

timpid query bank balances $TIMPI_WALLET_ADDRESS

To create your validator run command below

timpid tx staking create-validator \
  --amount 1500000utimpiTN \
  --from $WALLET \
  --commission-max-change-rate "0.01" \
  --commission-max-rate "0.2" \
  --commission-rate "0.07" \
  --min-self-delegation "1" \
  --pubkey  $(timpid tendermint show-validator) \
  --moniker $NODENAME \
  --chain-id $TIMPI_CHAIN_ID \
  --gas="auto" \
  --gas-prices="0.0025utimpiTN" \

Check your validator key

[[ $(timpid q staking validator $TIMPI_VALOPER_ADDRESS -oj | jq -r .consensus_pubkey.key) = $(timpid status | jq -r .ValidatorInfo.PubKey.value) ]] && echo -e "\n\e[1m\e[32mTrue\e[0m\n" || echo -e "\n\e[1m\e[31mFalse\e[0m\n"

Get list of validators

timpid q staking validators -oj --limit=3000 | jq '.validators[] | select(.status=="BOND_STATUS_BONDED")' | jq -r '(.tokens|tonumber/pow(10; 6)|floor|tostring) + " \t " + .description.moniker' | sort -gr | nl

Usefull commands

Service management

Check logs

journalctl -fu timpid -o cat

Start service

sudo systemctl start timpid

Stop service

sudo systemctl stop timpid

Restart service

sudo systemctl restart timpid

Node info

Synchronization info

timpid status 2>&1 | jq .SyncInfo

Validator info

timpid status 2>&1 | jq .ValidatorInfo

Node info

timpid status 2>&1 | jq .NodeInfo

Show node id

timpid tendermint show-node-id

Wallet operations

List of wallets

timpid keys list

Recover wallet

timpid keys add $WALLET --recover

Delete wallet

timpid keys delete $WALLET

Get wallet balance

timpid query bank balances $TIMPI_WALLET_ADDRESS

Transfer funds

timpid tx bank send $TIMPI_WALLET_ADDRESS <TO_TIMPI_WALLET_ADDRESS> 1500000utimpiTN


timpid tx gov vote 1 yes --from $WALLET --chain-id=$TIMPI_CHAIN_ID

Staking, Delegation and Rewards

Delegate stake

timpid tx staking delegate $TIMPI_VALOPER_ADDRESS 1500000utimpiTN --from=$WALLET --chain-id=$TIMPI_CHAIN_ID --gas=auto

Redelegate stake from validator to another validator

timpid tx staking redelegate <srcValidatorAddress> <destValidatorAddress> 1500000utimpiTN --from=$WALLET --chain-id=$TIMPI_CHAIN_ID --gas=auto

Withdraw all rewards

timpid tx distribution withdraw-all-rewards --from=$WALLET --chain-id=$TIMPI_CHAIN_ID --gas=auto

Withdraw rewards with commision

timpid tx distribution withdraw-rewards $TIMPI_VALOPER_ADDRESS --from=$WALLET --commission --chain-id=$TIMPI_CHAIN_ID

Validator management

Edit validator

timpid tx staking edit-validator \
  --moniker=$NODENAME \
  --identity=<your_keybase_id> \
  --website="<your_website>" \
  --details="<your_validator_description>" \
  --chain-id=$TIMPI_CHAIN_ID \

Unjail validator

timpid tx slashing unjail \
  --broadcast-mode=block \
  --from=$WALLET \
  --chain-id=$TIMPI_CHAIN_ID \

Last updated